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Houlton Arrival Map for Maine Eclipse
You’re planning your arrival to Houlton, Maine for the Great American Eclipse. Houlton is the last stop in the US for the eclipse and hundreds of events are planned for the entire weekend of April 5 – 6th, 2024.
Getting into Houlton on the 8th can happen via multiple routes based on the direction you’re arriving from. We’ve put together a Google map to show all the major routes, the Star Parks, and on the connector routes to help with traffic flow.
BE SURE TO LISTEN TO WHOU 100.1FM as you approach Houlton on the 8th. We will update you on the best routes.
Points south via I95
Quickest route will be Exit 302 in Houlton – Best early in the day on April 8th. This exit will back up quickly. Possible next exit is 305 which is the Airport exit. This will loop you into the East side of Houlton and the airport KHUL. Great viewing at the Airport.
Listen to WHOU 100.1 FM for routing and how backed up traffic is on 95.
You may want to get off at the Smyrna exit an Exit 291. Multiple routes and connecting roads to get you to Houlton in this direction (purple roads are connectors).
If backed up to Island Falls or further, consider getting off in Medway and taking the Bangor Rd (Rt 2) to Houlton.
Points North via Rt. 1
Coming from points north (Presque Isle, Mars Hill, etc.) – consider the connector over to the Foxcroft Rd. if Rt 1 is backed up. Connectors are purple.
Bangor Road – from the south
The Bangor Road can be picked up in Lincoln or Medway. This is a great option if I95 is backed up. Bangor Rd. can be picked up locally from connectors (purple roads) from Smyrna Rd, Calais Rd (Rt 1). Many connections to the Bangor Rd.
Listen to WHOU 100.1 FM for the latest updates.
Calais Rd Route 1
Coastal towns coming to Houlton should consider Route 1 through Calais. There will be less out-of-state traffic on this route and there are many options for connectors once in Hodgdon. Easy access to Southside and Elementary Schools, Downtown, and Airport from this Route.