Eclipse 2024
Houlton Eclipse in the News
This is an ongoing list of news regarding Houlton and the Maine Eclipse compile by Johanna Johnston, Executive Director at the Southern Aroostook Development Cooperation.
- Preparing for a Total Solar Eclipse in Northern Maine – The New York Times (nytimes.
- Children share their excitment about the upcoming solar eclipse | newscentermaine.
- Houlton gears up for influx of visitors for total solar eclipse (wabi.
- Solar eclipse expected to draw thousands, boost Maine’s economy | newscentermaine.
- Houlton police chief gives tips on traffic and travel during eclipse (bangordailynews.
- Total solar eclipse: Make plans now to head north in New England (bostonglobe.
com) - 5 bands in 4 days on tap for Houlton eclipse concert series (bangordailynews.
com) - Houlton plans to pitch a big ‘spiritual tent’ for eclipse weekend (bangordailynews.
com) - Parts of northern Maine expect tourism surge for total solar eclipse (wgme.
com) - Your guide to the 2024 eclipse in Maine – Bangor Daily News
- What you need to know about the 2024 total solar eclipse in Maine – Piscataquis Observer (observer-me.
com) - How Bangor businesses can benefit from the upcoming solar eclipse (bangordailynews.
com) - Panelists discuss tourism benefits of 2024 Maine solar eclipse (wabi.
tv) - Big Nazo improv group to perform in Houlton for the eclipse (bangordailynews.
com) - Houlton Eclipse Committee addresses safety concerns about the April 8 eclipse (wagmtv.
com) - Solar Eclipse 2024: Plan ahead to watch totality in Maine | newscentermaine.
com - Aroostook county communities prepare for influx of tourists looking to view April’s solar eclipse.
| Newsradio WGAN - Over 75 people attend meeting about Houlton’s plans for the April 8 eclipse (wagmtv.
com) - Total solar eclipse 2024: Cities with longest totality times | newscentermaine.
com - In path of April solar eclipse, small-town Maine sees big tourist opportunity (pressherald.
com) - Parking, traffic and eye safety top Houlton’s eclipse planning list (bangordailynews.
com) - Tom van Kalken and Mia Weinberger to spotlight Houlton in upcoming documentary film – The County
- Public Q&A session for the Upcoming Eclipse Festival – The County
- Houlton Council Considers Recommendations to tackle housing crisis